Heel soft tissue gradient test
This test evaluates the amount of soft tissue in the area of the heel closest to the inner part of the foot.
Soft-tissue creates a packing effect which can amplify or reduce the force applied by the shoes and/or orthotics (depending on how much soft tissue there is).
Description | Observation | Implication |
Highest point of arch relative to the middle of the arch | Rear | Heel seat is short |
Central | Heel seat is normal | |
Forward | Heel seat is long |
Arch height indicator
To perform the test
- Ask the customer to stand up with both feet forward.
- Estimate the location of the highest point of the arch (the apex) relative to the middle of the arch (a ruler may be used if required).
- Assess whether the apex is Rear, Central or Forward to the middle of the arch and enter your observation in the relevant field on the Move Without Pain website.
- Repeat for the other foot.
- Enter the data into the website.
Long heel seat
Normal heel seat
Short heel seat