Principal activity velocity


In recent years, there has been a shift in attention towards subject specific variables in the overall design and prescription of foot orthoses. Individual attributes, such as athletic ability and current working environment, need to be considered prior to selecting appropriate orthotic materials. This observation is necessary in order to define the principal activity for which the orthoses are to be worn.

Test Procedure

Review the patient history in relation to their individual activities, their work environment and their perception of their athletic ability. A Foot Health Status Questionnaire, such as the one provided in Appendix 2, can be used for this purpose.

Estimate their principal activity velocity as low, medium or high.

Principal activity velocity

Interpreting the results for the correct kinetic design

Current evidence suggests that softer/thinner materials are better suited to individuals involved in low velocity activities.

Those involved in high velocity activities do better with thick, strong and dense materials to cope with high forces. In addition:

  • The greater the velocity of activity, the further back on the device the apex must be placed (possibly due to peak dynamic Supination Resistance forces increasing).
  • The lower the velocity, the more contoured to the foot the device needs to be.
Test Description Variable Range Examples
Principal Activity Velocity From the patient history Low Standing occupation/activity
Medium Nursing/regular exercise
High Running/tennis/basketball/sports